Eunice Karisa Case Study
NAME: Eunice Nyevu Karisa
COURSE: Hospitality
CENTER: Kilifi Vocational Training Center
After high school, Eunice Nyevu Karisa supported her parents and cared for her young child at home before beginning computer training within her center. Eunice, 21, comes from Kilifi County, where she was born and raised in a family of four. Due to financial constraints in her family, she later worked as a domestic worker to support her family.
She learned about the Go Blue project through a local elder; she registered and fortunately was accepted to join the program and took up the hospitality course, which was trained alongside computer literacy, an entrepreneurship skills course, and work readiness. On weekdays, the trainees took the classes and on the weekends, they enjoyed doing on-the-job training and field trips.
Eunice particularly enjoyed the PowerPoint-based Computer Practical course and pastry class because of her love of baking cakes and sweets. After completing her training, Eunice got placement in a hotel within her town as an intern then was employed later as a housekeeper because of her attitude, character, and outstanding skills of work. As her steady worker daily with her co-workers and supervisor; soaking up all the advice and guidance.
Eunice urges young people to enroll in vocational training programs since they are affordable, brief, and effective. Whatever the circumstances, they shouldn’t give up.
She wants to express her gratitude to the Go Blue project, EU/GIZ, and the CAPYEI team for their support of this wonderful effort to empower young people in coastal areas.