EU-GIZ together with CAP YOUTH EMPOWERMENT INSTITUTE as an implementing partner executed this program to give hands-on skills, and entrepreneurial skills and link the skilled youth to employment; with a focus on the youth in the Coastal and North Eastern region.
The interventions outlined in the project aligned with an understanding that skills development programs and vocational training cannot simply be imposed as a supply-side solution but must be driven by actual or projected employment opportunities.
Thus, the EU-GIZ “youth Empowerment and Employment Project” commissioned by GIZ – E4D Kenya and conducted by CAP YOUTH EMPOWERMENT INSTITUTE (CAP YEI) – (KENYA) was designed to tackle these bottlenecks and address this understanding through applying modularized Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET) methods and market-based and demand-driven approach through the Basic Employability Skills Training (BEST) model of CAP YEI in Kilifi, Kwale, Lamu, Tana River, and Taita Taveta counties, as well as the additional counties Mombasa and Mandera.
To provide youth with skills which can be used to improve employability and livelihoods