Board member
Prof. Charles M.M. Ondieki is a Kenyan citizen married with two children; he was born in Kenya on 18th March 1952. He holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Management from the Open University of Tanzania (OUT), an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Manchester University UK, an Advanced Studies Certificate in mechanical engineering from Manchester University UK, and a Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Kenya, and certificate in Technical Teacher Training from Kenya.
Presently (2019) he is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering,Multimedia University of Kenya, and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and mechatronics Engineering, Technical University of Kenya (TUK). He is also a Chairperson of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVETCDACC), a semi-autonomous Government entity under the Ministry of Education Kenya. He is also the Overall Multimedia University (MMU) of Kenya Field Industrial Training and Attachment Coordinator.
He has developed several curricula for the Training of technical trainers (including their Principals) inTVETInstitutions; the training modules include an overview of Competence Based Education and Training(CBET), Development of Occupational Standards using the DACUUM and Task Analysis approach, DesignandDevelopment of Curricula using Occupational Standards, Development of Assessment Tools, Curriculumdeliverymethods, Competency-Based Assessment and Competency Certification.
He has just finished undertaking research on the Employers’ Perspective on Soft Skills in Kenya together with Mr’ Ndungu Kahihu and Ms Sharleen Muthoni both of CAP YEI. This research project was a result of an earlier one sponsored by YouMatch and CAP YEI on the impact of integrating Life Skills intheTVETcurriculum in Kenya.
He is a Board member of the Kenya Engineering Technology Registration Board (KETRB), a Boardmemberofthe Institution of Engineering Technologists and Technicians where he is an Honourable Treasurer.