Success Stories: Adam Lewa, a Reformed Member of a Radical Group

Adam Lewa a resident of Maweni slum in Nyali Mombasa, was a beach boy and later joined a radical group after completing secondary school. Maweni slum, like all other slums in Kenya, has over the years suffered among other concerns, poor education levels. He was dedicated to violent action, accepted and internalized violent and extremist views. Unemployment, poverty and political marginalization are contributing to Lewa’s radicalization, a state of affairs that can only be addressed through economic empowerment, including employment creation.
“I learnt of CAP YEI through friends and was able to enrol in a Hospitality course which besides the technical skills, also furnished me with life skills on how to deal with life issues. CAPYEI linked me with a job at Lido hotel and after an interview, I qualified and was employed as a housekeeper. Today I am a reformed person and thanking CAPYEI for the opportunity”.
CAP YEI has thus improved the skills of youth and provided access to employment opportunities, particularly the youth.