Social & Green

CAP Youth Empowerment Institute successfully executed a comprehensive training program from June 26th, 2023, to July 22nd, 2023 for 119 youth (54 Male, 65 Female). During this period, 12 social and green toolkits were tested to foster entrepreneurship and sustainable practices. The toolkits utilized were as follows: Foundations of a Social and Green Entrepreneur, Self-Reflection Framework, Value Proposition Canvas, Strategy Map Canvas, Social Business Model Canvas (Option 1), Problem Tree, SDG Impact Wheel, Mutation Game, Assumption Mapper, Grow Your Business Part 1, Grow Your Business Part 2, and Accessing Finance. 

To enhance the training program further, integration with ILO/Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) modules for marketing and SIYB Business Game 1 and 2 was incorporated. Additionally, a climate-smart agriculture course in Nyandarua County complemented the training, emphasizing the importance of environmentally conscious business practices. The training initiative spanned four regions, encompassing three Counties in the Coast region: Mombasa, Kwale, and Kilifi.

The implementation was supported by 10 skilled trainers who received orientation on the Social and Green toolkits. As a result of this training, the participants gained valuable insights into innovative methodologies using the toolkits, enabling them to better understand their businesses and their potential for growth. Among the various toolkits, the participants particularly appreciated the Social Business Canvas Model, which helped them map resources and support systems, the Problem Tree, which assisted in identifying possible solutions, and the Access to Finance toolkit tailored to entrepreneurs’ respective stages. Furthermore, the trainers have been equipped with these social and green toolkits and have started integrating them into their daily training programs. This approach ensures the effective delivery of mentorship and coaching, resulting in a more impactful learning experience for aspiring entrepreneurs.

CAP Youth Empowerment Institute (CAPYEI) addressed the challenges faced by trainees traveling from rural areas in Nyandarua County by offering accommodation facilities. This initiative aimed to facilitate their participation in the training sessions, overcoming the hindrance posed by travel distance. Another obstacle encountered during the training program was the limited proficiency in the English language among some participants. To ensure effective knowledge transfer and understanding, the trainers adopted a blended approach. They skillfully incorporated the use of the local Swahili language, alongside English, to enhance communication and comprehension for those with weaker English language skills. This language adaptation played a crucial role in ensuring all trainees could fully benefit from the training program.